First of all, let me just say that we are very pleased that the strike is over and that garbage pick up has resumed as of last week. Here is the sign we left out to show them how we felt about their return.

We have been visiting cherry beach regularly, and yes we do go in the water, and no we've not turned green or grown any extra appendages.

It's a great destination for young Benjamin seeing as he so enjoys digging, playing construction site, and going in the water.
Ben took his very first trip to Niagara Falls and he really liked the falls despite the fact that we got rained out and probably spent more time driving to and from than actually at the falls.

Also since you can't actually park at the falls we had to catch a shuttle bus called a "people mover" from the parking lot to the falls and back. Ben enjoyed the people mover and had a long conversation with a nice Grandma from Little Rock Arkansas. His favorite part of the trip? The gift shop of course!
Our soccer games have moved to a new (better?) location which just happens to be right under the subway bridge where it crosses the DVP.

It's pretty loud when the trains go over, but Ben loves to see them. Our first game there was rained out, and Ben had a misadventure with some fire ants whose nest he uncovered (see the rocks in the grass there?), infact, most of the team experienced some kind of insect bites. When they are not late start games Ben really enjoys coming to cheer our team on (Red).
And last but not least, we've been to Centerville on Center Island twice since the strike ended and ferry service resumed.

They will be extending our 2009 season passes into 2010 due to the extended park closure. I took Ben there on Tuesday and the line up to catch the ferry was the longest I've ever seen it.

And you'll never guess what happened! Go on guess.....Oh. I didn't think you'd guess right so quickly.

The thing is, we actually got much, much more rain last summer. Anyways it was still fun, especially since we brought appropriate rain gear.

Benjamin did not, however, believe me that they were closing the park due to the down pour. Which is why he looks so sad in that picture. He actually really enjoyed all the puddles and thought it was pretty cool taking the ferry back in the rain.
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